Hospitality (Usher)


To say that Jesus was welcoming in his earthly ministry would be an under-statement. As a matter of fact, this was one of the attacks and accusations leveled against Jesus by the religious leaders of his time. Jesus welcomed public sinners, tax collectors and prostitutes. It must also be stated, however, that just as Jesus welcomed them, He did not condone their actions and behavior and called them to conversion and repentance.

The church that Jesus founded shares in this same dynamic. We are called to be welcoming to anyone who desires to enter. However, just as with Jesus this welcoming comes with the challenge to repent and undergo the ongoing life of conversion and remain true to the church’s teachings and traditions.

This welcoming, believe it or not, often takes place quite literally at the doors of the church building. A person may have an experience of the church, perhaps with a friend, a relative or maybe just by themselves and are then drawn to all the Catholic Church has to offer. The question then arises, “How welcoming are we?” To be honest one of criticisms often cited of the Catholic Church is that we appear cold and distant to the visitor- the stranger. There could be a number of reasons for this, but in the end, it boils down to someone not feeling particularly welcomed.

This is where the Ministry of Hospitality is so important and it goes beyond taking up the offertory collection and handing out bulletins. These individuals need to be aware of the special needs that may be present among known parishioners and ready to assist any visitors or strangers in locating a seat, a worship aid, rest rooms or any of another issues. In the case of an emergency the Ministers of Hospitality need to be ready to render whatever assistance may be required in a given situation. Although this is important on a daily basis, it is particularly important on the major solemnities, feasts and celebrations of the year. Celebrations such as Easter and Christmas bring special concerns and needs especially when faced with the increase of participants, visitors and family members returning home.

Needless to say, the Ministry of Hospitality has an essential role to play in the worship and praise that the Church offers to God. The ministry, done well, serves not only God, but the people of God, the church. If you are interested in joining this ministry, or if you want more information regarding this ministry, please fill out the form below.

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