
Welcome to Immaculate Conception and Saint Luke Roman Catholic Parishes. Please click the links below to see the bulletin and weekly Mass livestream. Mass can also be viewed by clicking on the "Live Stream Mass" tab above. Please explore our website to learn about our Parish's ministry, history, and outreach, serving western Lycoming County, PA since 1838.

Live Stream Mass

Weekly Bulletin



  • Lenten Schedule

    As we enter this sacred season of Lent, we are pleased to share our schedule for Lenten services and events. Let us come together in prayer, reflection, and spiritual growth as we prepare for the joy of Easter.

    2025 Lenten Service Schedule:

    Ash Wednesday March 5th 

    8:00 am (IC) MASS 

    2:10 pm (SL) Liturgy of the Word

    5:00 pm (IC) Liturgy of the Word

    7:00 pm (SL) MASS

    Stations of the Cross

    Each Friday of Lent at 6:30 pm and Mass will follow.

    The schedule is as follows:

    Mar 7 - IC

    Mar 14 - SL

    Mar 21 - IC 

    Mar 28 - SL

    Apr 4 - IC

    Apr 11 - SL

    Apr 18 - IC Stations only at 6:30pm.

    The Light is on for Reconciliation 

    Confessions will be from 5:30-6:30 pm and Monday evening confessions will alternate between our two churches:

    Mar 10 – IC

    Mar 17 - SL

    Mar 24 – IC

    Mar 31 - SL

    Apr 7 - IC

    Apr 14 – SL time extended 5:00-6:30pm last opportunity for confessions before the Triduum.

    Holy Week
    - To be announced

    We encourage everyone to participate in these beautiful and meaningful services as we grow in faith and prepare our hearts for the resurrection of Christ.

  • IC HNS Pancake and Sausage Breakfast

    The IC Holy Name Society will be holding its famous all you can eat old fashioned homemade breakfast on Sunday, March 9th, 2025 from 8 am to noon in the parish hall.  Included are buttermilk and buckwheat pancakes, sausage, sausage gravy and biscuits, liverwurst, coffee, tea, OJ, and coffee cake. Adults $11, kids under 12 $4. Don't miss it!

  • Brides of Christ - The Capuchin Way

    The Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth share what a day in the life is like in the convent and share their tremendous love for Christ, truly present in the Holy Eucharist. For more information on the Capuchin Sisters visit capuchinsisters.com


    After practicing Roman Catholics, the second largest religious grouping in our country is “fallen-away” Catholics, i.e., those who rarely or no longer practice the Faith. A website has been created to assist those who wish to become active Catholics once again: www.catholicscomehome.org If you want to “come home” or know someone who needs some encouragement to do so, visit this site for some inspiration.